How to Relax as a Home Educator with Unlimited Responsibilities
If you clicked on this blog, then I think we can agree that Home Educators don’t have it easy. A lot has been given up by you to make sure that your kids receive the best parenting and education. And it’s not just one thing or one day…It’s the day after day after day filled with things after responsibilities after chores after life. Relationships and friendships and jobs and duties and, well, just life. And it happens day after day.
This continuous loop of responsibilities can slowly build pressure which weighs you down and makes you feel discouraged. The stress from running so many errands can become overwhelming and cause you to make mistakes which you otherwise wouldn’t. You are so absorbed in your never-ending chores that you forget to take a moment out for yourself to just relax.
So, if someone deserves a break, it’s you. And it’s not as impossible as it first seems. You don’t have to spend all your savings and days on a luxury vacation to feel relaxed. Here are four quick and easy ways to de-stress yourself amidst this chaos.
1) Light exercise
Take a light walk in your neighborhood and if your don’t want to go out, do some yoga or aerobics in your room. Exercise helps to reduce stress hormones inside your body, while producing chemicals in brain which are painkillers and help enhance your mood. And let’s be honest, exercising always makes us feel better about ourselves at the end.
2) Write your thoughts in a journal
Get yourself a pen and notebook and start laying down your thoughts whenever you get time during the day. Jotting down your feelings in a journal can help you clarify your thoughts and make yourself more clear-headed. It allows you to identify which things are bothering you and which things are important you.
3) Read a book with a cup of tea
As someone who loves to read, this is my favorite way to relax during the day. Get your hands on a novel you have been wishing to ready, cozy up in your blankets, get a warm cup of tea (coffee or juice works too!) and read on. It’s okay if you only get to read one page throughout the day, just make sure you are taking out time every other day for to continue to read.
Reading focuses your brain on one single task, taking away attention from the thousands of chores on your mind. It engages you, makes you imagine different scenarios and uplifts your mood.
4) Pursue your passion
If you love to paint, learn it from YouTube tutorials! If you love to dance, then lock your door and dance infront of your mirror. If you take out time to do what you love, it can elevate your mood and destress you significantly. After spending all days working to make others happy, little time spent on pursuing something that makes YOU happy is completely worth it!
The key to note is to find something that is easily accessible and that is not an escape (no social media!), but rather a release.
So friends, leaving you all with a very important reminder to UNWIND, RELAX & RECHARGE.