9 Motivational Strategies to make your Child Learn

A child should be taught how to work hard because intelligence can only get them past some steps, whereas hard work and constant learning will make them strive for the best in life.

9 Motivational Strategies to make your Child Learn

A child should be taught to work hard because intelligence can only get them past some steps, whereas hard work and constant learning will make them strive for the best in life. Any child who is guided well, possesses self-driven abilities, and is encouraged to learn will eventually succeed in life.  

Here are some strategic points to motivate your little one to learn: 

  1. Develop the love for reading in the child 

If you develop reading skills in a child from a very young age, the learning process never stops because the child keeps yearning for knowledge. Children might not be inclined towards their course books, but fascinating stories will attract them and let them express themselves more creatively.

Related: Raising a Reader | Homeschool Panda’s Top 5 Tips for Parents

  1. Let your child be the boss  

Allow your child to make decisions for themselves. Involve the child in daily tasks around the house and encourage them to voice their concerns. When making plans or when choosing a subject to start the homeschooling day with, take your child’s input. This will make your little one feel important and will further excite them about what is to follow. A confident child is a happy child.  

  1. Remember that communication is key 

Educate your child about the importance of speech. Tell your children that communicating a problem will eventually lead to a solution. When your child learns to communicate their emotions, their mind will be at ease. The child will pick up more from the surroundings, will be able to decipher what other people are saying, and develop problem-solving abilities over time.  

  1. Always keep your child’s interests in mind 

It does not matter what your likes or dislikes are if your child is thrilled about a subject, a sport, a hobby, or even a Sunday full of water-balloons, give into the child’s excitement. If you keep your child’s interests in mind whilst making decisions and homeschooling, chances are that your child will respect your likes, appreciate your support, and will be a happier homeschooler.  

  1. Know your child’s learning style  

Not every child is the same. With every unique child comes a unique homeschooling experience. Children under the same roof can tend to have drastically different personalities and it is absolutely natural. It is important to not compare children, to know that each of them possesses their own skillsets and that they will learn according to their own pace. Knowing what techniques of homeschooling a child responds to best will help you polish the child’s strengths and eliminate their weaknesses.  

  1. Practice what you preach 

Your child will eventually imitate you, your partner, and the surroundings. Whatever habit you want in your child’s personality, incorporate it in yourself. If you’re excited about learning every day, your children will be too.  

  1. Make learning fun 

Learning does not have to be a tedious process. Take your child on educational field-trips, teach them math through board games, let them learn history lessons by acting them out, let them memorize plants by strolling through a botanical garden, and teach them life’s essentials. Even a gloomy day, when taken outside in the park, can be productive.  

  1. Teach your child the art of organization  

Assign chores to your child, hold them responsible for their actions. Start by letting them make their bed. Tell them that an organized room will help them not misplace things, save time, and perform tasks efficiently and effectively. A decluttered and organized life equips a mind to be free to learn.  

  1. Celebrate victory and efforts 

Reward your child when their behavior is good, when they accomplish something, and when they complete chores. Positive reinforcement goes a long way. Know that sometimes, the results aren’t as desired, and that ‘failure’ is inevitable. Every time the results aren’t fruitful, let the child take it as a learning experience.  
