Coronavirus prompts many families to rethink sending their children to school. Homeschool Panda is here to help.
At every stage in your child’s life, it is important to keep them safe from disease and harm. Taking simple precautions to keep your loved ones protected is something we should all practice especially during flu season and the ever-looming Coronavirus outbreak. Below is a list of a few things that you and your family can practice by staying healthy not just during flu season but at all times.
- Start each day with good hygiene wherever you are and maintain a clean sanitized space
- Wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly
- Cover your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze with your arm
- If you feel sick, stay home so that you don’t get others around you sick
- If you feel like your symptoms are starting to get worse seek medical attention
- Be mindful of not to touch your face and surfaces such as handrails, buttons and touch screens (high-touch surfaces)
- Take immune-boosting supplements such as elderberry syrup, Vitamin C
- Drink lots of water and consume a variety of fruits and vegetables
Due to fears of the Coronavirus, many establishments such as schools and workplaces are adopting these precautions. Around the world, schools are starting to shut down and become quarantined as well for periods of time because of the rise in the Coronavirus. Parents and schools are starting to turn to homeschool as options to educate their children during this time. Homeschool Panda is an easy alternative to transition to if you happen to find yourself and your loved ones in a situation such as this.
Homeschool Panda has all the features that you would need to homeschool your child no matter what grade they are in. It is an easy platform to use and set up and start learning wherever your child may be in their education. The Panda offers an online lesson planner and calendar that works side by side together, so you can plan out your days efficiently and effectively. Homeschool Panda can be accessed via mobile apps (iOS & Android) and web.
There is even a portfolio feature where you and your child can keep track of their learning and add images, you are able to download this report for your records and even take it back to school with you while you are absent. No matter what kind of learning style you and your child may have, Homeschool Panda has options and features for everyone that are beneficial for each child to grow and develop.
Homeschool Panda also has social networking built into the application so you can receive support from fellow homeschoolers from around the world. You can view and import lesson plans that have been shared by other homeschoolers for ease and convenience.
Here, at Homeschool Panda we urge all to practice these healthy habits not only during times like these but always. This way we can feel and be the best that we can be for those that we love and care about around us.