A Second Summer Reading Challenge from HSP

HSP's second reading challenge is here!

A Second Summer Reading Challenge from HSP

Did you enjoy your first reading challenge? Good news, Homeschool Panda is bringing you a second challenge!

  • Read a book based on a true story
  • Reread your favorite book
  • Read a book with a movie
  • Read a book published in your birth year
  • Read a book that celebrates friendship
  • Read a book set in winter
  • Read a book about a culture you are unfamiliar with


To get you started, here are a few book ideas for some of the themes in this challenge.  Let us know what you'll be reading! 

A Culture you are Unfamiliar With
Picture book The Strongest Boy in the World
Children's chapter book Journey to Jo'Burg
Adult book A House without Windows

A Book Based on a True Story
Picture book: Diana’s White House Garden by Elisa Carbone
Children's chapter book: Stop the Train by Geraldine McCaughrean
Adult book: The Good People by Hannah Kent.

A Book Set in Winter
Picture book: A Dot in the Snow by Corrinne Averiss
Children's chapter book: Jasper and the Riddle of Riley's Mine
Adult book: Last Night in Nuuk by Niviaq Korneliussen


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